The quick n simple tattoo aftercare.
wash yer grubby mitts
Remove your bandage after 2-5 hours.
Wash your hands so you don’t get your new tattoo dirty.
wash your tattoo
Use a mild soap that won’t irritate your skin. Something like Dial, SoftSoap, or Dr. Bronner’s (Baby).
Use as WARM of water as you can stand, but not so hot that it burns.
Wash your tattoo 2-5 times a day, depending on your activity level for 3-4 weeks.
Air dry your tattoo or use a paper towel and pat it dry.
Cloth towels are dirty, ya nasty. (even fresh out of the dryer)
Use a small amount of Aquaphor and massage into your freshly cleaned tattoo. Dab any excess off with a clean paper towel.
dry it and moisturize
Timing here varies, it could be a few days or as late as a week. It shouldn’t sting when you put the lotion on. if it does, wash it off and wait another day or so.
Use a small amount of fragrance free lotion on your tattoo after it’s dried from washing it. Generally a pea sized amount is plenty.
You don’t want your tattoo to be too wet, just enough to cover the whole tattoo.